Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bring Me Hope

A family member has said that Marty and I are "buying another kid from China". It has hurt me more than you will ever know that you spoke these words. I know that you have pain and heartache in your own life and we have both lived in a world that was far from perfect while we were younger.

I hope you will watch this video and understand that we are not "buying another kid from China". We are going to China to bring our daughter home. You have met Brinley and you know how much we love this child. She is as much ours as any of our other children and Bailey will be too.

I feel sorry for you that your compassion for other people seems to have dwindled away as your savings account grew. I pray that God will put adoption and Chinese children in particular in your heart and that you will someday know what it feels like to cry for these children who have nothing and no one. Nothing.....Brinley had NOTHING but a name and the clothes she wore when we received her. Now she has everything.......and none of it can be bought at WalMart. She has a family and she has hope for tomorrow. She sings "Jesus Loves Me" with all of her heart and she breathes in the smell of the stars at night. She is perfectly loved and perfectly made......and so is Bailey.

Our daughters......born in China. I will be praying for you.


Melissa said...

Sharon, You and Marty are amazing people with hearts that reach across an ocean. Your family has so much love to share and I can't think of a better way to show God's will working than to adopt a child. Miss Brinley and Miss Bailey are the luckiest girls in the world to have you as their family. Love you guys!


Donna Geer said...

We pray every day that today will be the day you all get the notice you are off to China again. The words you describe are words we have experienced them ourselves. I pray God will convict the hearts of these people with compassion & understanding.
We both know it is us who are the lucky ones!!!
Waiting breathlessly for news from Colorado,
Love in Him,

Tina said...

Sharon, I got to your blog by clicking on a link from another blog. I don't usually go "blog hopping," but I know the Lord led me to your blog today. My MIL called me Friday to tell me how selfish I am because of my "new hobby" (our adoption of a little boy in China) and that I needed to call it off. There were more hurtful words also. I cried for quite a bit of the day, mainly due to her uncomapassion for a child. The situation is similar because she has an unquenchable love for money and possessions. Your post really made me feel sorrow for her uncompasionate heart. Thank you for posting it! I will pray for her and for your relative as well.

In Him,