Monday, August 28, 2006

PA PA PA!!!! We got it!!!

We received our Parent Approval from China today! HOOOOOOOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rylie is ours!!!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Our Sweet Baby!

This morning I received one photo from Erin. Our red thread to Rylie has been drawn ever closer by this photo. We now know that Rylie's nanny at the SWI is the same young girl who was Brinley's nanny. I nearly fell out of the chair when I saw this! Thank you, Lord!!! Brinley was so loved and well cared for by NahNah!!! We now know that our sweet little Rylie is receiving the same love and attention. Erin said Rylie's nanny wanted to know when we will be coming for Rylie. She already knows that we are Brinley's family too because we sent a little photo book to her with our friend Karen when she traveled to the orphanage a few weeks ago. We were sure to put photos of Brinley with each of us in the little book. Also, there was one photo of Brinley that I put her Chinese name on and also the name of the orphanage in Chinese. I wanted them to know for sure that Brinley is doing fine and that she would be Rylie's sister.Rylie has grown a little bit and looks scared....but so very sweet! Erin has a lot more photos of her for us! I can't wait to see each of them! I think she has the same haircut that Brinley had. :)
We just thank the good Lord above for NahNah, for Erin and for this wonderful photo!

Friday, August 25, 2006


I received an email a little while ago from Erin who is in China now. She visited the Guilin SWI and saw Rylie!!! I have laughed, smiled, cried....I am soooooo thankful that Erin was able to see her. Not only did she see her, she also got photos of her for us! She hasn't been able to send them out yet but will as soon as she can. This is what her email said:
SharonWe are at the Swan...will keep my notes short as I have lots to do in less than 1/2 hr when they close but we spent 3 hrs at the SWI thisx morning and I have photos of your little girl. They amazingly brought in all 3 Cradle girls for me to take pictures of. I will see if I can email them b4 we leave China but I have them to send when we get home. She is a cutie!!!!! Sweet little smile, head of full hair..walking...had a healthy fear of me of course as I look strange but definitely could tell she's a sweetie. She was wearing a blue/white outfit and old is she? She looked healthy and well cared for . Her foster mum barely let her out of her sight. I musta snapped hundred photos at least of all the kids. I cant wait to post them all to the Guilin/Guangxi group. If you know who is adopting Xiang or Guoqing- I have pix of them too!chat soon...I promise!Erin
God is so good! Most of the time families are not allowed to photograph the children when they visit. We are so blessed that the children were brought in for Erin to see and that Erin was willing to ask about them for us.
Thank you, Lord!!! Thank you, Erin!!!
Erin's Blog:

Monday, August 21, 2006

I'm Ready To Go To China

I'm ready to go to China. I don't care if I have to walk. Rylie needs her mama and daddy and brothers and sisters. Things are moving along so slowly. My heart just aches for our sweet baby.
I'm going to start selling on eBay this week to try to make some extra $$$. Maybe we can speed things up a bit.

Time to bring Rylie Shay HOME!!!


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Something We Never Knew We Had!

I was looking at the photos from Brinley's disposable camera that we sent to the SWI today. I kept looking at a little girl's picture and I realized, THAT'S RYLIE!!!

Just look at the other two pictures that we already had. That is her little nose and mouth! That's our girl!!! Same eyes, same ears, same hairline!! Same sweet face!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Birthday Fun!!!


*******PLEASE NOTE*******

My jie jie was a competition cheerleader and taught toddler gymnastics. Please don't try this if you don't know how to do it properly.


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Friday, August 04, 2006

No news

Xinru Yang UPDATED, originally uploaded by littleskittlelulu.

But isn't she cute???

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Karen In China

My friend Karen is in China right now. In fact, she is in Guilin....and that is where our Rylie Ru is. I sent a little photo album to her and she's got it with her in China and she is either going to take it to the SWI or she is going to send it for us with someone who works there. Marty and I are so thankful to have Karen take this album to our sweet little Rylie! If she goes to the SWI she may even get to see her! HOW EXCITING!!!! Now if she could just scoop her up and bring her on home to us!!!

The photo album has pictures of all of us so that she can see our faces and know us when she sees us. Each photo has Brinley in it so that the people at the SWI can see that she is doing fine. I put Brinley's Chinese name on her picture. Tomorrow is Brin's bday so I hope her nanny will see the pictures and will know that she is okay.