Friday, August 05, 2005

The I-171H Blues

Instead of our I-171H, we received a letter from CIS stating that they need an ammended home study. They need more information on Kristen since she is an adult living in our home. Please pray for us that all of this can be taken care of very quickly. It has to go through our social worker and then DSS again and then back to Citizenship and Immigration. So close....wait, wait, wait.
It seems that our awesome social worker has conquered the great and powerful CIS for us and that we should have our I-171H very soon thanks to the help of some wonderful ladies at DSS! (THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED US GET THIS MESS STRAIGHTENED OUT!!!)Today we received my passport and Marty's passport. I suppose Brice and Keith's will be here within the next few days. Keith is really excited about having his own passport and wants to take it to school. Marty told him he can take it AFTER we come home from China. :)We have an appointment next week with the Secty. of State in Columbia to have all of our documents authenticated. HOORAY!!! We made the appt for Friday just in case we get the I-171H. Then we can have it all done at once! Such a nice lady I talked to at the Secty. of State's office. Once again a HUGE thank you to VJ for guiding me through exactly what I need to do to get these papers authenticated!Marty and I have a date tonight! :) Probably going to BabiesRUS....a big change from our usual dates of WalMart and Lowes! LOL

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