Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sweet Lavendar

I found out today that Lavendar is now in the arms of our sweet Savior. I am utterly in shock that this beautiful child's life was taken from her.

Sabrina Banks was at first denied the right to adopt Lavendar. After the adoption community went to bat for her, she was allowed to be her mother. Everyone was ecstatic! Lavendar would have a HOME. None of us had any idea that she was going to her heavenly home so soon.

Lavendar was smothered and beaten with a blunt object. How could Sabrina do that to her? I am sick over this..........and I am MAD.

1 comment:

Elizabeth, David, Katie, &Chloe said...

This is the saddest news. That is just horrible. I am very upset over this to. I wander if this kind of news goes back to China.