Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tantrum At The Checkout

Yesterday we went to WalMart. The girls were behaving pretty well and I was so proud of them. Bailey kept asking me if she could walk. I told her that when we got to the checkout I would let her get down. So, we got to the checkout and I took her out of the seat and you would have thought I had turned a wild animal lose! She was into EVERYTHING! I kept telling her to stop but she wouldn't listen. I picked her up and told her again that if she didn't stop she would have to get back in the seat. She went right back to what she'd been doing before. I picked her up and put her in the seat and that was when the full tilt screaming, stomping, hitting Bailey came back to life! SHE WAS just mad.........F U R I O U S!!

This temper tantrum went on and on. I loaded all of our bags into the van and had both of them in their seats and she was still having her fit. I haven't seen this side of Bailey in several months. She was screaming and thrashing around.......but not a single tear. Since her bday is very soon I wondered if maybe this was one of those days around birthdays when adopted children tend to get out of sorts. I calmly asked her, "Bailey, do you miss Hu Yan?". Hu Yan was her ayi. She stopped screaming immediately and looked at me with a single tear rolling down her little red cheek and whimpered, "No! I want my daddy!!!!!" LOL

Oh well, so much for my psychoanalyzing. She is definitely Daddy's Girl.


Momtofour said...

I know it sounds funny, but I noticed that the couple of weeks around Olivia's abandonment anniversary she was just ROTTEN... having constant tantrums, crying, etc. I seriously do think there are sometimes subconscious calendars in these little one's minds... they don't realize it, but their mind does. Glad Sweet Bailey got back to her lovely little self after Walmart! ;)


Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

Just when we think we know what they are thinking! LOL