Sunday, September 30, 2007

What's wrong with Kristen?

I have had several people email and ask about Kristen. Thanks for asking about her. She has nerve damage to her foot. Brice has a huge remote control truck that he was playing with about three weeks ago here in our kitchen. The truck ran into Kristen's heel and she was in immediate pain and it turned white and then blue and purple. We put ice on it and did all of the right things. It didn't get any better. So, now she is in the air cast and we found out this week that she has now has a condition called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy that is pretty rare but it was brought on from the accident with the remote control truck. Who would have thought a toy could be so dangerous? The doctors are sending her to physical therapy and they put her on Lyrica. Last week she was here at our house and she just wasn't herself. The medicine makes her depressed and she cries alot. Marty hugged her and she started crying and her head started twitching a bit and she moved her hand up beside her head to push her hair back and she couldn't put it back down. Scared us to death! So, now she has an appointment with a neurologist on October 9. Same day Bailey has her palate surgery. So, as soon as Bailey is out of surgery, Marty will leave and go to the doctor with Kristen.
Thank you so much to everyone who has asked about my sweet Lola. Please keep her in your prayers that all will be well.

1 comment:

Donna Geer said...

Oh my goodness!! Bailey has her surgery on the 9th?!! I will put it on the calender & she will be in my prayers!

I'm sorry about Kristens foot and the other weird symptoms! Hope she's fine soon! Take care & blessings,