Friday, March 23, 2007

We are very fortunate cookies, indeed!

21 minutes ago our agency sent us an update on Bailey from her SWI. So, while I was posting the other photos from LeeAnn we had even more news coming from "far away". :)

This is what the report says
Yang Xinru.
Height: 33 inches Weight: 24 pounds Teeth: 16 Foot size: 4.9 inches
She is in the “grandma and me” program sponsored by Half the Sky. There is a “life book” that the grandma writes every week. The family will receive the book when they get the child. Here are a few current pictures from her book. She can button and unbutton her jacket. She is a girly girl who likes dolls and to play dress up. She likes to help taking care younger children. Most of the time, she is a good listener.


mom of 3 so far said...

Fortunate INDEED!!! I love that smile!!! OH to get on that plane today and scoop up that precious baby girl!!! Hang in there because litteraly every day now is one day closer to holding her forever!!!

Dawn B

Journey To Our Baby Sister.... said...

Oh my goodness, Sharon, how lucky are youi to have all these awesome pictures!!!!! She is just soooo sweet....I love the ones of her in the red and black outfit!!!!! Must make the wait a bit easier seeing all these updated pictures!!!

Cindy Leger