I can't take credit for the insert photo of Bailey. This photo was on a poster at the Guilin SWI in early 2007. My friend Erin took a picture of the poster for us when she was there to bring home her daughter Meizhi. I didn't even think about this little glimpse into Xin Ru's life when I was snapping pictures of her last Sunday on the basketball court at church. Today I remembered it when I was looking through the photos. So similar and yet so different.
This is another photo of Bailey that was on the poster. It was taken of her when she was in the hospital to have her lip repaired. We are so fortunate to have this. At first we didn't realize it was her. The photo had been flipped so it looked like the baby in the picture had a cleft on the opposite side from Bailey. After we flipped it we knew it was her sweet little face. :)
This is the poster. Now, want to hear something funny? See that sweet little baby in the middle circle? That is Lulu. Her mama Darlene sent me that same photo in an email one day because right beside Lulu is the cutest little girl holding a pack of crackers and sitting on a big green frog.
It's Brinley! :) As time goes by I realize more and more how fortunate we are that our girls were in the Guilin SWI where they were loved and cared for......and together.